Details Matter

Fussy Gardener has a few design projects going on, but here’s a sneak peak of one beautiful project we've been up to over the past few months.

We’ve been working with our clients to help them with the details on their new home in the Blue Mountains on Georgian Bay—architectural design by Steve Hamelin Our work includes millwork detailing throughout, interior colour themes, consultation for cabinetry design, tile selection, shopping light fixtures, exterior masonry finishes—and all those things that make a spectacular property well…spectacular!

Great working with the team at L. Patten & Sons Custom Home Builders. So much accomplished this summer and looking forward to completion early in the new year. Then next summer the landscaping—the design is already well underway!

A big thanks as well to Our Homes Magazine for their professional profile in the latest issue featuring our work on Ellis Drive.


Diggin’ Our New Digs


Fresh off the Press!